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Frequently Asked Questions

What is our relationship with Christopher Optical?

Dr. Sharon Adhami previously worked as an independent contractor in the Spring Hill Christopher Optical storefront from 2010-2021.  On December 1, 2021, she began Reflections Eyecare, LLC, a new doctor-owned and operated business located in the same location.  Reflections Eyecare is not affiliated with Christopher Optical.


What is the difference between an optometrist (OD) and an ophthalmologist (MD/DO)? 

Optometrists complete 4 years of undergraduate training in college then 4 additional years in an accredited optometry school, with an option to attend a 1-year residency program.  Ophthalmologists complete their undergraduate degree, attend a general medical school for 4 years then spend another 4 years in an ophthalmology residency program/fellowship. 


Both optometrists and ophthalmologists can prescribe medications (which vary according to individual state laws) for various conditions.  Here in Tennessee, optometrists are able to prescribe oral medications as well as topical drops such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and glaucoma medications.  Optometrists can perform minor surgical procedures such as foreign body removals and punctual plug insertion.  Optometrists are considered primary eye care providers and refer to ophthalmologists when surgery or further care is necessary.


Why is there an extra fee for a contact lens exam when I've already had an eyeglass exam?

If a patient is new to contact lenses, the examination includes a fitting, which involves placement and evaluation of the contacts on the patient’s eye, discussion on proper contact lens care, as well as assistance in insertion and removal of contacts.  If a patient is an established contact lens wearer, the contact lens fit is evaluated and contact care and comfort is reviewed.  Contact lenses are considered medical devices by the FDA and if worn improperly, can cause damage to one’s eyes/vision; therefore, we take great care in making sure that they are being used correctly.


My child passed the vision screening at her regular check-up,

so she doesn't need an eye exam, right?

Below is the American Optometric Association’s recommendation on eye exams for children.



Asymptomatic/Low Risk

At Risk

Birth to 2 years



3 through 5 years



6 through 18 years

At 6 to 12 months of age



At least once between 3 and 5 years of age


Before 1st grade and annually thereafter

At 6 to 12 months of age, or as recommended


At least once between 3 and 5 years of age, or as recommended


Before 1st grade and annually thereafter, or as recommended

A comprehensive eye examination evaluates much more than just vision; our exams for children are more extensive than those for adults and include testing, not just for refractive error (glasses prescription), but also for depth perception (screening for amblyopia, or lazy eye), color vision, eye alignment, and neurological screening.  We also recommend a dilation for a child’s first exam, which involves drops that make the pupil larger so that ocular health can be evaluated more precisely.  Dilation may aid in the process of confirming an exact glasses prescription as well. 


What makes our exams so thorough?


We not only begin with a thorough medical history of the patient, but we also request an extensive family history.  How might all these other medical conditions affect your eyes, you ask?  Everything in our bodies is interrelated and almost everything can be inherited.  There are many medical conditions that can affect your eyes such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid conditions, lupus, AIDS, and cancer--just to name a few.


All examinations utilize the slit lamp (microscope), which helps us see your eyelids to check for signs of skin cancer, excess bacteria, and clogged glands that may lead to dry eyes.  We look at your cornea for other signs of dryness, corneal dystrophies/degenerations or scarring, then at your conjunctiva and iris for any defects.  Afterwards, your lens will be evaluated for cataracts. 


After dilation, your optic nerves, blood vessels, and macula are evaluated and your retinal periphery will be scanned for abnormal freckles, holes, tears, retinal detachments, or other signs of systemic disease.  Your eyes are the only location in your body in which blood vessels can be observed in their intact form.  How the blood vessels "course" can help us determine if you are prone to high blood pressure, diabetes, or other vascular problems.  Should any sign of disease or complication be present, a care plan will be recommended and your options to best maintain your health will be discussed.


We will always take the time to address your specific visual needs and concerns.  After your refraction, which is the process of obtaining a glasses prescription, we can then demonstrate how you will see in your new versus your current prescription.



If you have other questions, please contact us here >



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